Sunday, July 3, 2011

Branches in Time

Branches in Time
Melinda Everett

Someone someplace has won the lottery.....
Someone somewhere lives in the bushes....
Someone sometime buys his first car...
Someone some town walks in broken shoes...

Fate plays a prejudice tune
Man can choose what he can do
But not what happens to him

Every choice a branch on a tree
Every action a change in the path

Where is it you want to go?
Can you see what you decide will bring you to a place?
Everyone in the human race decides where time leaves a trace

What do you want in your soul?
What do you dream in the night?

How is your shalom?
Did you find your way home?

Someone surrounds himself with sadness....
Someone embraces himself with joy....
Someone wraps himslef in anger....
Someone encompasses himself with love....

Emotions stimulate and motivate
But decisions lead the way

Your town boarders the next...
No distance protects from the waves you create

Infliction cripples in pooling traps
Love fress and illuminates!

Eve's Fruit

Eve's Fruit

Melinda Everett

How can I love you?

Knowing that you are breaking my heart

Taking me apart

Brick by brick

My layers are undone

You're suppose to be my rock

But you're a snake

That bites.

The poison flowing toward my beating pulse

I need a cure from this inflicted illness

It is killing love

It is stealing life.

That precious thing you had twisted

It isn't alive anymore.

It is rotten and stinking,

Food for the worms,

How can you cause this death?

How can you live with it?

Stop hurting me!

The shock of it has blackened my soul

It has changed my role.

I want to run and hide.

Your face is the devil

Your words lies
Your eyes wicked

I want you back the way you were

The before and not the after

The dove not the snake

Why did you eat the fruit?

My Knight In Shining Armour Took The Day Off

Melinda Everett


So the dragon flew in and he burned me down

I sat captured waiting

But he didn't come.

(The sun rose

The sun set

The moon he never met)

Time flowed

The dragon burned me down.

No horse rode up,

No galliant stead,

No man with sword in hand,

Nothing grand.

Just anguish

Just torture

Just aloneness

Just pain.

He had taken the day off.

My heart broke....

The dragon continued burning me down.

I looked at the sky

(It rained

It snowed

It grayed it blued)

The dragon went right on burning me down

I fell over

I gasped

I died

My knight, he never came,

It's always the same

The dragon wins

My ashes dust

Still no knight to mourn

Or obtain justice for me

The Dragon laughed and danced.

My ashes rust.

(The sun rose

The sun set

The moon he never met)

The Dragon proud of my death...

No horse rode up

No galliant steed

No hero with sword in hand

Nothing grand

No tears of remorse

No shattered heart

No pining.

My knight never noticed my dust.

He forgot the trust.

The Dragon burned me down.

The Dragon getting bored, flew abroad

and began anew.

The princess was wooed

The Dragon met his match.

That knight with sword the dragon he did scratch.

The Dragon fell over

He gasped

He died.

The princess became a bride

And my ashes love never met

Not yet....



Melinda Everett

How can you say words that are untrue…..
How can you stand there fist in my face and demand your space….
How can you be so mean……..
How can you make this scene……..
All I wanted was to hide from you……
All this fighting all this drama….
It’s all from you……
I sat in my room feeling so small and scared……
Wishing I knew why…..
How unsafe do you expect me to be……
So you can scream your anger free……
Hang me on the wall……
And punch me like a bag…..
Every negative thing you put on me……
Now I’m the escape goat…..
But you can’t escape the consequences…
You can’t use someone to make yourself feel better….
So, I wipe the dust off….
I grabbed my things….
Out the door cause this won’t happen no more….
Now I’m free from you…..
I leave you how I found you….
Standing there wondering why your life isn’t what you wanted…..

The Intersection

The Intersection
Melinda Everett

Four corners
Noisy cars
Four choices
Visual distraction
Four points
Abstract blurs
Four signs
Concret dissection
Four flows
Voices murmur
Four lights
The intersection

Displaced Anger

Displaced Anger


Melinda Everett

Displaced anger

Shouts of chaos

Blame mislead

The road to self impulsion

Being stuck.

Why choose the roadof dpression?

Why choose the path of blame?

Look at the choices

See the tranquility

Experience peace

Be a flower....

Bloom with beauty

Why not choose the path to fertility?

Why not choose the path to strength?